Fees & F.A.Qs


Tuition Fees - By Quotation

Please enquire, giving us as much information as possible regarding your experience and aims. We will then respond with a detailed quotation. Group dependent lessons, special requirement sessions, individual tuition, all have different demands and study materials*.

Cost (Guide) - Beginners - Small Group Lesson £8 per 35 minute session. General Group £12 per 60 minute session. Individual Tuition at DGs £15 per 30 minute lesson. Fees are not liable to change as a matter of course. They will be held firm for as long as possible, to allow you to budget for “your investment”.

The lessons are excellent value for money.

For intermediate and experienced players - (School age students and adults) the fee is paid termly in advance. Standard sessions are 75 minutes long and are held weekly through Dorset Schools terms. All books/instruments to be supplied by the student, *however much additional music will be supplied by DGs. 

Terms and conditions (please read)

Once you have registered and paid a fee you are committed to take the lessons. We confirm that (since Dec.’94) we do not give credit for any missed lessons. With individual lessons and group sessions we will basically keep in line with Dorset schools timetables. We will assume that the student will take two weeks holiday at Christmas and Easter and four weeks Summer holiday (these are not chargeable).

The main reasons for these terms and why we keep to this policy is as follows:- If we agree a time for you or your child's lessons, that time is reserved for you (whether or not you make use of it). Particularly for home lessons where you have the added advantage in this arrangement, in that you are not traveling for the lesson, saving time and money. Being on a regular circular route with calls, it is virtually impossible to rearrange or fill a gap, if you cancel a lesson. Furthermore, you or your child will benefit from regular instruction, just like the regular practice that should be undertaken daily. If we are away or miss any lesson, we will of course give you full credit for the lesson, if we cannot agree a re-arranged day/time.

If you would like us to consider a special arrangement for you, other than those given on this page, please feel free to request it. If we agree we will confirm it in writing.

Finally, no notice is required if you wish to discontinue lessons. Please be assured that your interest is our interest and we are committed to your successful progress. We will always endeavor to keep you happy.

Fees Terms & Conditions....

FAQs . . .

Here is a selection FAQs in an attempt to cover the most common. We are sure you will have more. For your specific situation please don't hesitate to contact us at enquiries@dorsetguitars.co.uk.

I Have had lessons for three years. Why should I join DGs?

A. Formal lessons are very important and should be continued for as long as possible. However, there comes a time when performing experience in a group situation, is perhaps more valuable. This is where DGs comes in. There is nothing quite like it. All work undertaken is skilfully mastered at an efficient rate, as groups contain equally skill-matched musicians. And its great fun !!

At DGs do I have to do exams and will that make me a good player?

A. No ! However, working towards an exam, gives the student a purpose and goal. The result serves as a stepping stone towards the next level of skill. Taking exams at DGs is not compulsory, but their importance cannot be underestimated - and so at least once a year, exams in Trinity College Classical and Rockschool Electric Guitar and Bass, are held on site for the students convenience. If they wish to obtain independent qualifications then these are perfect as they count towards GCSE, as well as being vital for those who may wish to pursue a career in music.

I am twelve years old and I have just acquired a new electric guitar. Is that ok?

A. You can learn on any instrument. However at DGs we strongly believe the following :- It is better to start on a nylon string classical and develop your skills without being burdened with amplification leads etc. Classical guitars will allow you to build good finger technique with the wider string spacing. Later you can move to an electric with relative ease. Most students are encouraged to continue to develop on the classical guitar whilst moving into electric work. The the two skills run in parallel - very successfully.

How can many guitars play together well?

A. Dorset Guitars is dependent on reading skills to start new works. Further on, developing improvisation is very successful as everyone has a guide part, so they know where they are. Conflict with sound, particularly with electric players, is dealt with easily as the discipline in controlling volume, is an important skill learnt early on. It rarely is a consideration with skilled musicians.

I can play all of the chords. Now I would like to play tunes. When can I start and when will I be able to play Wonderful Tonight?

A. Because you can play some chords, your finger dexterity should be good. However, chords are infinitely variable, so do you really understand what you are saying? At DGs you may not play a particular tune in the sessions but you will pick up the necessary skills to do it yourself.

I used to play the flute and even took exams, now I want to play the guitar. how long will it take me ?

A. If you already play another instrument and have some reading skill, your progress will be faster than a person who does not understand reading and practising skills. You are likely to do very well.

I want to play Bass. How can DGs classes help me? I used to play the flute and took exams years ago. Now I really want to play the guitar. How long will it take me?

A. Bass playing is wonderful !! Working in a class with other guitarists and not just more Bass players, mimics the live playing situation. You must still learn the basics, but then you can put your skills into practice straight away. You will understand timing / feel / pitch more quickly as you fit your Bass lines into the group situation.

I can read tablature, so should I stick with that?

A. Tablature is not new. It has been around for hundreds of years. However, most tab nowadays does not attempt to give any timings for the notes. If it did, it could look more complex than standard notation. Learning by Tab alone is useless, as the player must be familiar with the tune first to make it work - so really you are playing by ear with some finger guidance. However, reading standard notation with the guidance of tablature is an essential skill for modern electric guitarists, as playing in certain given positions, allows for the successful execution of the notes / features, together with tone / clarity.

Why do I need to read music? I can play all this.... without any reading.

A. If you cannot make the effort to learn to read, then you are putting a limit on what you can do straight away. You will not be able to benefit from the countless other musicians that have put their ideas down on the page. Arranging your music for others to play will be a difficult task, as you will have to demonstrate all the parts, or rely on others to contribute. Finally, you will probably become a more versatile musician through good reading skills.

I am a beginner, if I join DGs, how soon will I be able to play well?

A. For an average student of school age, it will usually take about 12-18 months (with hard work) to get to a grade one standard, with no previous skills. From then on, normally a grade or more a year. More mature students can usually progress faster. However, they can often be hampered with other commitments. A workshop session, running properly will bring out the players, although group learning is not right for everyone. Some extra input may be required for missed or more difficult areas.

What You Should Know

  1. Bullet When considering this or other group tuition courses.

  2. Bullet Why group tuition ? Conclusions…

Our understanding of the value of music education to us as human beings grows, and how it plays a significant part in shaping our lives.

This can be provided by individual instrumental tuition, however group tuition is now recognized as an essential part of a more complete learning program.

Music is a social skill to be enjoyed and shared with others. In groups, skills of working and interacting together, are apparent from the start. (Music is not about the bedroom musician, with a wallpaper of examination certificates.)

Instrumental teaching in groups requires teachers to fully understand their students. Their different attitudes to their study and how to develop their natural talents and enthusiasm to motivate them towards their goal.

Needless to say the teacher must fully understand what their student is currently capable of and in this situation, what the groups diverse abilities can deal with.

Mixing students with incompatible levels of skill and experience is not only a waste of time, but can have a totally derogatory effect on both .

Likewise, it is difficult to see how attention and therefore benefit, can be given to many unrelated instruments. (we all like a sax/flute/trumpet…. player in a band, however can we really develop new, unique, individual skills together?)

The last comment should not be misunderstood with the need to rehearse an ensemble, orchestra, band etc. (where musicians with a measure of experience and skills practise to enable good performance) That process in itself is essential for musicians to perfect and is where we want to be, making music with others.

There should be a framework in place that clarifies the level and direction of skills to be attained, that all students must understand and accept. This should be formal as in an adopted examination system, however examinations should not be compulsory.

(Just like singing in a choir that we may enjoy, we should not have to be made to sing solo…. )

Central to good playing/performance are the technical skills that can be acquired in groups, from other students as well as from the teacher. Good technical skills will support other essential music skills….. Listening and evaluating, improvising and composing…. performing. If guided, students in a group situation, will be mutually supportive and so creative skills flourish.

If we live in the real and ever changing world, we must make use of modern technology. Music technology should be the server and make our time more effective and enjoyable, but should not direct our plans. (It is important to know how to program a drum pattern or sequencer or adjust a delay effect, however random patterns or uncontrolled delay are not music)

In groups, using technology can be very effective and can lift creativity to new levels.

In conclusion groups must :-

Create an atmosphere that enables efficient learning to take place,

and allow all, to start an effective and enjoyable, life long development plan.

We are actively working towards this at Dorset Guitars.

This Page:

  1. BulletFees,

Terms and Conditions

Frequently asked questions

Dorset Guitars Committed

to Quality in Music


All © 2013


  This site is copyright © 2013 Fresh Air Music Services
